Question: I have a cactus that has large blooms on it as large as my hand. They do not smell good and I was wondering if they could live outdoors in winter. I have brought it in the past years. It appears to love the cool weather. I live in Sterrett, south of Birmingham, and we had frost this morning. Therefore I must decide soon whether to bring it in or leave it outside. I do not want to lose the plant.
Answer: The plant in question is not a cactus at all but does look very much like a cactus. The plant is likely, Stapelia gigantea is a flowering plant in the genus of plants commonly referred to as the Carrion Plant. It could be one of the other Stapelias but the photo looks like this particular one. It is likley not cold hardy in or near Birmingham area.

Tony..Thank You so much for putting your picture of the Carrion Plant on the web. I've been looking for years to try and find out the name of the plant...My grandmother had one and now shes gone and no way to ask. I also have been looking for one to buy with no luck. I will find one one of these days. Thank You Again You don't know what this means to me!!!!!
This is a star fish cactus it is from Africa it is self rooting break a price off and stick it in moist soil with In 2 weeks it will root and begin to grow. It's called a cactus but is a succulent I was given a piece and mine is growing fine. It is a rapid growing plant and does good in a hanging basket do not over water it. You can find lots of information google star fish cactus and may even find some for sale. Thanks Sallie
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