We are finally getting some rain and the temps are cooling down here at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. I took a little break to walk in the gardens and observed an interesting event. While strolling near a mile high pine showing severe drought stress I saw a small limb fall to the ground. Naturally, my eye was drawn to the area it landed where it stabbed into the rain softened forest soil. I noticed several of these little limbs sticking in the ground like small seedlings would look if sprouted. I pulled a few up and noticed they were all neatly cut at about a 45 degree angle.

We have had several reports lately of pecan/hickory limbs being cut off in a neat beaver like fashion. This I knew was caused by the Hickory/Pecan Twig Girdler. The cut of the pine was very different and I was not sure what the cause was. My assumption after some research is squirrel damage from hungry/thirsty squirrels. It seems the little critters will cut off a green shoot and lick the sap that exudes from the fresh wound. If anyone has another hypothesis I would be interested.
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